Dave Bookbinder

“As someone who’s regularly involved in the valuation of intangible assets, I’m often asked which intangible asset is the most valuable to a company. I’ve always believed that it’s the people.”

- Dave Bookbinder

“As someone who’s regularly involved in the valuation of intangible assets, I’m often asked which intangible asset is the most valuable to a company. I’ve always believed that it’s the people.”

- Dave Bookbinder
Dave Bookbinder
Dave Bookbinder Valuation Expert
Dave Bookbinder Valuation Expert
Dave Bookbinder
Dave Bookbinder

Dave Bookbinder is known as an expert in business valuation and he is the person that business owners and entrepreneurs reach out to when they need to know what their most important assets are worth.  Dave has served thousands of client companies of all sizes and industries.

He’s on a mission to change the conversation about how the accounting world recognizes the value of people’s contributions to a business enterprise, and to validate what every CEO on the planet claims: “Our people are this company’s most valuable asset.”

Dave is the author of two #1 best-selling books about the impact of human capital (PEOPLE!) on the valuation of a business enterprise called The NEW ROI: Return On Individuals and THE NEW ROI: Going Behind The Numbers

Dave holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Temple University and a Master’s degree in Finance from Drexel University.

He is an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) in Business Valuation with the American Society of Appraisers and also holds the designation of CEIV, Certified in Entity and Intangible Valuations.

Dave writes about business and leadership at CFO University and serves on the Enterprise Engagement Alliance’s Executive Committee for Accounting and Metrics to help oversee development of an outreach effort and curriculum program tailored for chief financial officers. He is also a former contributor to the business section of HuffPost.

His book, A Valuation Toolbox for Business Owners and Their Advisors: Things Every Business Owner Should Know, was recognized as a top new release in Business and Valuation, and is designed to provide practical insights and tools to help understand what really drives business value, how to prepare for an exit, and just make better decisions.

 Dave is also the host of the business talk show, Behind The Numbers With Dave Bookbinder. The show is enjoyed in more than 100 countries and ranks among the top podcasts globally.

Dave’s teams have been recognized by a variety of independent organizations for excellence in Valuation Consulting. Dave was also personally recognized by SmartCEO Magazine with an award for Executive Management, and he is also a two-time recipient of the Morris Groner Award for Entrepreneurship. Dave is most proud of the multiple awards he’s received for fostering the Best Corporate Culture.

People are assets, not expenses. That is the theme of The NEW ROI Series.

That is also the theme of this short TedEx style talk that was recorded at the Finance Innovation and Excellence (FInEx) Summit 2021.

I was honored to be included among an outstanding list of 18 global speakers to share ideas to help Finance Executives, as demands of stakeholders change and increase in both speed and complexity.

This talk also won a FInEx Award for the category of Most Impactful Catch Phrase: “People are assets; not expenses.”